Comparator of Prices for Fixed Broadband Internet Access


User guide on comparator of prices for broadband internet access

According to Act no. 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communications as amended by later regulations (hereinafter referred to as “Act on electronic communications”) Section 6, Subsection 3, Letter j) Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, Economic Regulation Department (hereinafter referred to as the “Office”) as the national regulatory authority and pricing authority in the electronic communications sector provides information concerning services to end users, performs users´ researches, publishes them and uses them in its activities.

Based on the above stated the Office set up a web search engine and comparator of offers for broadband access to internet. The end users are able to compare offers from undertakings providing internet broadband access including additional services, which are available on a postal address entered by the user.

In this way the Office has created a unique possibility for the end users to compare the offers of all registered undertakings providing internet broadband access available at various locations. The Office has been governed by the provisions of Section 6, Subsection 3, Letter d) of the Act on electronic communications according to which it protects interests of end users with regard to the quality and prices of services. The comparator comprises all prices charged by the undertakings for individual offers which are included into so called “average monthly payment over 24 month period”, based on which offers with different term of commitment can be easily compared. The Office complied fully with principles of transparency and non-discrimination, as complete offers from all undertakings available on the entered location will be displayed without any preferences. Offers are arranged in ascending order starting with the lowest average monthly payment, while the end user can select other options to filter the displayed data.

Display of the available offer

Different search levels

Adding and removing menu items

Categorization of the offers

Filtering the offers

Parameters displayed in the offers

Access set up

Safeguards against excessive overloading of the system

User support

Webpage is powered by Research Institute of Posts and Telecomunications
for the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services

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Aglo Solution s.r.o.